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Spend time with positive friends and family members


 Accepting responsibility can help you learn from mistakes and prevent you from blaming others unfairly.


Volunteer in some manner and give back to the community. Helping others can give you a new outlook on the world


Read the Bible, spiritual material, or inspirational quotes to help you focus on what’s important to you in life.


. Learn to recognize and replace thoughts that are overly negative.


There’s no need to make your thoughts unrealistically positive, but instead, make them more realistic.


Goals will give you motivation to overcome obstacles when you encounter problems along the way. Without clear goals, it’s harder to make decisions and gauge your progress.


Spend some time thinking about the consequences of negative thinking. 


Create a list of all the ways negative thinking impacts your life. 


Look for reasons to compliment others. Be genuine in your praise and compliments, but offer it frequently. This will help you look for the good in other people.



10 Tip To Maintain A Positive Attitude

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